Weekly Worship
& Study
Sunday Schedule:
9:00am Morning Prayer
9:30am adult Bible study
11:00am Holy Eucharist with Chanting and Hymns
Lunch and Fellowship directly following
We believe that children are part of the living present of the church, not just its future, and welcome all children directly in the service with all the joyful noise they bring.
Christmas Week Schedule
7 PM December 24th Christmas Eve Mass (1549 Prayer Book)
9 AM December 25th Christmas Day Mass (1549 Prayer Book)
9 AM December 26th St. Stephen, The First Martyr, Mass
9 AM December 27th St. John, Evangelist, Mass
9 AM December 28th Mass For The Holy Innocents
Midweek schedule:
4:00PM Evening Prayer, Holy Communion, and ANOINTING of the sick
Third Saturday of the Month:
11:00am Discipleship Class and free luncheon
Fourth Saturday of the Month:
11:00am Men’s Group Meeting
And He saith unto Him:
Follow Me.
Matthew 9:9